Twenty Years Of Web Sites

| MuseArts News
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Today I was alerted to the fact that MuseArts is twenty years old. In fact it was a day much like today, warm and hazy, when the two of us trudged off to Somerville City Hall (which was way across town) to file our paperwork. It was a gesture of great optimism lightly dusted with… Continue reading

Creating the Dog Alphabet

| MuseArts News

After completing the Cat Alphabet, the very first question I got was from dog lovers. When will you be working on the dog version? Over the past few months I set about fulfilling their wish.  Here is a look at creating the Dog Alphabet. (Or maybe it is an Arfabet?) I first brushed up on… Continue reading

Alphabet Cats on Zazzle

| MuseArts News

Big news for fans of Christopher Grotke’s cat artwork. We’ve created a store on Zazzle to let you buy beautiful cards and posters featuring the Cat Alphabet, one of his popular illustrative projects. The Cat Alphabet features beautiful, hand-drawn cartoon cats lounging about and interacting with brightly colored letters of the alphabet. It’s perfect for animal… Continue reading

Internet Archive Adds Capital Children’s Museum Collection

| MuseArts News

Our side project of digitizing and archiving student work from the Capital Children’s Museum has reached a milestone.  A new Media Arts at Capital Children’s Museum collection is now available at the Internet Archive. The U-matic versions of projects are available there, and we’ll be adding VHS conversions soon. It’s comforting to know that these… Continue reading

MuseArts Gets A New Look

| MuseArts News

MuseArts is getting a brand new web site.  This will be our 5th web site since we started MuseArts in 1997.  In this iteration, we’re putting into action all the latest tricks we’ve learned over the last several years building web sites for our clients.  We decided it was time to give ourselves the makeover… Continue reading