Regional Hospital Continues To Grow Its Online Presence

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Grace Cottage

Grace Cottage Hospital are slowly advancing into a new look, previewed on their new capital campaign page where we’ve used some of the bells and whistles available to appeal to donors.  We especially like the before and after slider we created to show where the new primary care facility will be built. Also in the… Continue reading

Local Hospital Fine-tunes Online Presence

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grace cottage hospital

Although Grace Cottage had just gotten a new site a few years before, marketing needs drove a revised approach to the hospital’s site. The theme was substantially redesigned and “tweaked,” giving it a colorful new look that reflects the hospital’s friendly reputation. As with all large sites, work is ongoing. Next on the list —… Continue reading

Rural Hospital Updates for Mobile Era

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Grace Cottage Hospital

Grace Cottage Hospital needed work on their aging web site to bring it up to date with current standards and provide site visitors with a useful interface to the hospital’s many services. Working closely with staff, we created a new theme and worked with them to update their content. A dynamic home page features rotating… Continue reading